Safeguarding and Covid Officer for Yorkshire Terriers Netball Club.


My name is Rachel Wadsworth, I am the Safeguarding and Covid Officer for Yorkshire Terriers Netball Club. You will find me at club on a Wednesday 7.30-9pm. If you need me I’m available day or night and my e-mail address is  Current athlete’s should all have my mobile number, if you don’t have it please just ask and keep me as a contact. Please can all parents make the athlete’s aware of my job role and details.

many thanks


Yorkshire Terriers update……….

Yorkshire Terriers netball club is unfortunately not taking any new enquiries for our Under 16 age Group, We are lucky enough to be over subscribed in this age group for 2020/2021 season.

Under 14 age group is now a waiting list only for 2020/2021 season but we are open for enquiries.

We have limited spaces left for Under 12 and High 5, please contact us for information.

Many Thanks

Rachel Wadsworth

Terriers Club Secretary